Dayton Mennonite Church

Vacation Bible School June 21-25, 2021

Ages 4-12

Bible school is for the children of our Church and Neighborhood. This fun-filled, high-energy week is filled with memorable, Scripture-based activities that provide opportunities for kids to celebrate their faith and learn about God’s love. This week includes songs, skits, Bible stories, crafts, games, and snacks. Kids will experience friendship, laughter, all in a spirit of prayer and learning about God in fun, new ways!

VBS this year was for ages 4-12, went from 6:30-8:15, and lasted 5 nights. Our theme was "Casting your nets with Peter" with topics every night ranging from "Anchored in Christ" to "Inviting Jesus into the boat and being called by Him". After a large group time to start each night, the children were led by their teachers to class time, crafts, snacks, and outdoor activities. We hope that through our time together each child felt loved and came away with a deeper understanding of the Bible.

We welcome your child to vacation Bible school. We pray that the things learned during VBS will last for a lifetime!