Every Tues. 5:00am & 6:30am: Men’s Prayer Meeting
Every 3rd Wed. 7:00pm: Congregational Prayer Meeting
Upcoming Events
Feb. 23: Game/Movie Night
Mar. 8: Women’s Brunch
Mar. 16: Skate Night @ Funky’s
Mar. 19, 6:30: We Care Program Prison Ministry
We believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of man, who lived on earth, died on the cross and rose from the dead so that we could have eternal salvation and live as God's children. We believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God. The New Testament is our primary guide in matters of faith and practice, as illuminated by the Holy Spirit. We unapologetically affirm the fundamentals of the evangelical tradition.
Giving spiritual direction to Dayton Mennonite is a Leadership Team made up of pastors, deacons and elders. Our Church Council, consisting of various office holders within the church, makes decisions related to the everyday workings of the congregation. Dayton Mennonite is part of Conservative Mennonite Conference and is related to various mission and ministry organizations.
Each week the youth group typically meets at a home for singing, sharing, prayer, and Bible study. Snacks and fellowship follow. Each year the youth group typically spends a week on a summer ministry trip.
The name "Mennonite" comes from Menno Simons, a church leader during the Reformation of the 1500's, who with other voices in the Anabaptist movement called persons to put their trust in Christ for salvation, to believe and live out the teachings of the Bible, and to form churches that recognize the importance of simplicity, peacemaking, accountability and community.